Text for Friday: Hebrews 11:8-12
"And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore."
You have to chuckle at the writer to the Hebrews (whoever that might be) when he says that Abraham was, "as good as dead." Clearly the writer is emphasizing Abraham's age as Abraham and Sarah were well past their prime child-bearing and child-raising years. However, God takes the impossible and makes it possible. God takes the sarcastic laughing of Sarah and transforms it into a laugh of joy. God takes their laughter and gives them deep joy in Isaac (Isaac's name even means laughter, joy). God takes the "dead" and brings new life.
If God can give Abraham and Sarah a child in their old age, how much more can God do for?
As we trust in the Promise of God this day may we open our dead and dying lives up to our God and watch for God's miraculous gift of new life!
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