Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Wednesday, Ezekiel 18:25b-32, Repent and Live!

Our text for today is Ezekiel 18:25b-32

God doesn't mince words in this text! God is direct and to the point, "get a new heart and a new spirit," "Repent and live!"

We need a heart transplant! When it comes to sin we don't need minor surgery, cosmetic surgery or anything superficial. To deal with the depth and depravity of sin we need radical treatment to overcome our terminal illness. We need a new heart. We need a heart transplant!
Do you know anyone who has performed heart surgery on their own heart? I don't think so. Just as we need surgeons to perform heart surgery we need Jesus the great Surgeon who dies for us, giving us his own heart, enabling us to live.
This gift of a new heart comes to us daily. As we have died and been raised with Christ in the waters of baptism we are daily given a new heart.
In response to the great love of Christ may we daily come before Jesus and admit our sin and seek a new heart.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday, Ezekiel 17:1-10,22-24, Two Eagles and Two Cedar Shoots

Our text for today is Ezekiel 17:1-10,22-24

I honestly don't recall having ever read this section of Scripture it is really very new to me. I read the foot-notes in my Bible that explained many of the symbols that allude to kings and international politics in the time of Ezekiel.

The great eagle - Nebuchadnezzar - who took a city of merchants into exile, with the topmost shoot being one of the last kings - Jehoiachin. The seed, which becomes a vine, is Zedekiah, who was placed on the throne. God was warning the people that change was going to come - the time of exile was coming. The people's pride came before their fall.

Ezekiel speaks prophetically to the people of his day, and he also speaks to us. In verse 22 God promises new life - the continuation of the Davidic line - and new life and restoration in us. May our lives be like a cedar tree that is transplanted, nurtured and blessed by God. May our times of pain and pruning bring forth clippings for transplantation so that new life may flourish. May we be open to the pruning of God so that new life may spring forth.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday, Jeremiah 11:1-17, Judgment against the Olive Tree

Our text for today: Jeremiah 11:1-17

Jeremiah/God sure doesn't hold back! God's people are blasted and warned in no uncertain terms.

First, God reminds the people of God's actions:
  • rescuing and saving them from Egypt
  • gifting them with the covenant

God begins with a reminder of God's saving grace that rescued them. This is the because - the gracious action of God that God initiated. Then, and only then, does God call the people to be accountable to that covenant. This is God's therefore. God's therefore is always a call to live in response to the gracious actions of God.

However, God's people had chosen to ignore God's therefore. So, God reminds them of what the covenant agreement entailed:

  • God calls them to listen
  • God calls them to obey
  • God calls them to give up the worship of their false gods

God calls us still today, to respond to God's because by listening, obeying and worshipping the one true God. May today be a day lived in the because of God as we live as therefore people.

Our texts for this week...

· Monday, Jeremiah 11:1-17, Judgment against the olive tree
· Tuesday, Ezekiel 17:1-10,22-24, Two eagles and two cedar shoots
· Wednesday, Ezekiel 18:25b-32, Repent and live!
· Thursday, Hosea 14:1-7, Return to the Lord
· Friday, John 3:1-9, The Fruit of repentance
· Saturday, Psalm 34:11-22, Turn from evil and do good
· Sunday, Luke 15:1-3,11b-32, Parable of the forgiving father

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Friday: Hebrews 11:8-12, Abraham Acted by Faith

Text for Friday: Hebrews 11:8-12

"And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore."

You have to chuckle at the writer to the Hebrews (whoever that might be) when he says that Abraham was, "as good as dead." Clearly the writer is emphasizing Abraham's age as Abraham and Sarah were well past their prime child-bearing and child-raising years. However, God takes the impossible and makes it possible. God takes the sarcastic laughing of Sarah and transforms it into a laugh of joy. God takes their laughter and gives them deep joy in Isaac (Isaac's name even means laughter, joy). God takes the "dead" and brings new life.

If God can give Abraham and Sarah a child in their old age, how much more can God do for?

As we trust in the Promise of God this day may we open our dead and dying lives up to our God and watch for God's miraculous gift of new life!

Thursday: Acts 6:15 – 7:8, God’s Call and Promise to Abraham

Our text for today: Acts 6:15-7:8

I wonder if Abraham ever had any, "Yeah, buts?" The Biblical account speaks so briefly of Abraham's immediate obedience and response to God's call that I sometimes wonder if Abraham had, "Yeah, buts" going on in his head/heart. Did Abraham ever question who was speaking to him and did he ever come back with a counter offer to God?

May we have the ears to hear God like Abraham.
May we have the heart of obedience to respond like Abraham.
May we boldly step out in faith as we cling to God.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Romans 4:1-12, The Faith of Abraham

Today's reading: Romans 4:1-12.

At times our faith may be like a solid rock, and at times faith is like water sliding off that rock. In the free-fall of life we know that God is with us, knowing from where we came and knowing to where we go. We cling together in community, supporting and encouraging one another on the journey.

We experience life's twists and turns - sometimes at such speed that we long for the quiet pool. Our life of faith is an amazing journey to be experienced, and, just as Abraham clung to God in faith we too cling to God.

"Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness."

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Tuesday: Ephesians 2:11-19, Fellow Citizens in Christ

Today's text is: Ephesians 2:11-19.

As I have lived in the US for years as a Resident Alien (that is my official residency status) I have always had a fondness for this text, especially for verse 19: "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household..."

I am always delighted to hear God say, "Martin, you are no longer a foreigner or an are one of the family...welcome home!"

God has love for the outsiders...God welcomes all into the family!!

Texts for this week...

 Monday: Zechariah 8:1-8,14-23, The Lord is jealous for Zion
 Tuesday: Ephesians 2:11-19, Fellow citizens in Christ
 Wednesday: Romans 4:1-12, The faith of Abraham
 Thursday: Acts 6:15 – 7:8, God’s call and promise to Abraham
 Friday: Hebrews 11:8-12, Abraham acted by faith
 Saturday: Psalm 105:1-15, God remembers his covenant
 Sunday: Luke 13:1-9, Parable of the fig tree